
I want to welcome you to L.O.V.E., Ladies Online Valuing Each Other, bible studies. This BLOG spot was created because I personally have a need to be in God's Word everyday and be involved in a bible study, however, with 5 children, a husband that travels, part-time work hours and now full-time school hours I didn't want to commit to a study that took me out of the house another day/night of the week, so...L.O.V.E. was created.

My hope is that there are women just like me who, for various reasons, cannot commit to a study outside of the home, but wish to still grow in Christ through study and fellowship with other women (although ours will mainly be on-line fellowship.)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I Must Repent

I am sooooo sorry for any of you who were trying to keep up with the blogs. I have fallen off the wagon and trying to get back up. I feel like I got off to such a wonderful start, but as alway, life gets busy. Classes are in full swing and I am not waking up early any more, because I am staying up too late. Between work, studies and just the normal things I do as a wife and mother I am exhausted.

Pray for me. I know this is Satan getting in the way. Pray that God fills me with new life and a renew spirit so I can get back on this study. It really is a good one.

God Bless, Blog you soon!


1 comment:

Bob and Tricia said...

Rest assured you are in my prayers!