
I want to welcome you to L.O.V.E., Ladies Online Valuing Each Other, bible studies. This BLOG spot was created because I personally have a need to be in God's Word everyday and be involved in a bible study, however, with 5 children, a husband that travels, part-time work hours and now full-time school hours I didn't want to commit to a study that took me out of the house another day/night of the week, so...L.O.V.E. was created.

My hope is that there are women just like me who, for various reasons, cannot commit to a study outside of the home, but wish to still grow in Christ through study and fellowship with other women (although ours will mainly be on-line fellowship.)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

January 12th, 2007

Thank you everyone for your participation in todays open house. It was so nice to sit and enjoy each other for a while. I am really excited about getting started on Monday!

Slight change, I just received a email with respect to one of my classes that starts this week. My online Medical Terminology class requires that I attend an orientation class on Thursday night from 5:30-8pm. Of course, this is my first "open fellowship" date. So... in lieu of Thursday, Jan. 17th I will be @ Starbuck's across from Riverview Hospital on Wednesday, Jan. 16th from 7-9pm. Please note the change if you where planning on coming.

Ok, that's it! Have a wonderful and blessed day.


Bob and Tricia said...

I am so sorry I missed the open house today:-( It looks like everyone had a great time. I am however, happy to report I am not well rested and ready to conquer the evening hours with Emmaline. Can't wait to start the study on Monday. I really need it. Take care everyone and have a wonderful Sunday.


Tamie said...

Thank you for hosting this brunch. It was fun and nice ot get to know each other a little more. Tricia, we missed you! I have not received my book yet. It shipped on the 10th, so I should have it soon.

God bless!! Tamie